Our quality management promotes the high objectives of our company.
It is based on ISO 9001:2015 and meets the requirements that the marketplaces on modern performance-oriented service providers. Our goals are long-term. We align our offers and services to the requirements of our customers. We want to continue to be successful in the coming years - in times when the demands of the market for logistics and customs service providers are changing. To achieve this, it is important that customers recognize competitive advantages with us. These will secure our long-term success and jobs. The following guiding principles on quality policy serve to ensure that all employees in our company give the highest priority to promoting customer orientation in their daily work. When we use the term customer in our guiding principles, this includes the female form.
The most important goal of our organization is to retain customers in the long term by providing a high standard of quality in our services. Customer satisfaction is therefore our highest goal. We achieve it through a high quality standard of our services, reliable services and eye-to-eye relationships. We regard feedback from our customers - whether positive or negative - as constructive criticism that helps us to improve continuously.
Our employees in all areas, their qualifications and their motivation are an important driver of our success. We challenge and encourage each and every one of them through individual development plans, which we agree on together in regular meetings. We are committed to a working environment characterized by respect, commitment, flexibility, team spirit and fun at work. Just like our customers, we want to retain our employees for the long term.
In our daily work, we strive to avoid mistakes and do the right thing. When we recognize problems or identify mistakes, we address them openly. We see them as an opportunity to evolve through innovation and continuous improvement and to become better together. Our error culture is both a right and an obligation: All employees have the right, but also the obligation, to recognize errors and contribute to their elimination. Only through such an error culture can we promise our customers flawless quality in the long term and reliably deliver on this promise.
The partners we work with every day are just as important as our employees. Only through their reliability can we reliably offer our services. In our daily cooperation, error-free collaboration is crucial. The quality of services must meet the high demands that our customers have of us. We communicate our expectations to our partners and provide feedback on their performance.
Our primary goal in the area of occupational safety is to have healthy employees. Protecting our employees - preventing injuries and illnesses - is a top priority. Reconciling family and career is also important to us. To this end, we offer all our employees the option of a home office. Our extensive safety measures also serve to protect our partners and our customers. We use feedback and suggestions to improve workplace safety on a daily basis.
Our management is responsible for ensuring compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. These include in particular the requirements of environmental protection, current legislation and sustainable business practices. We are actively committed to fully complying with all legal requirements relating to environmental protection. We follow the principles of sustainable management and also observe them in the supply chain. We communicate these principles to all our employees through information and training.